Fernando Penaloza is an active music educator, conductor, author, performer, and producer/arranger in the southern California area. He is the current Director of Bands at Savanna High School in Anaheim, CA, where he teaches jazz band, three concert band ensembles, and marching band . Formerly, he was the instrumental and choral music director at Buena Park Jr. High School in the city of Buena Park, CA., where he taught band, orchestra, percussion, choir, and music appreciation.
Fernando has previously taught marching band at the following schools: Savanna High School in Anaheim, CA; Mayfair High School in Lakewood, CA; and Fountain Valley High School in Fountain Valley, CA; La Puente High School in La Puente, CA.
In his current position at Savanna High School, Fernando teaches: Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Mariachi Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble/Drumline, Colorguard and Marching Band. He also serves as the Visual and Performing Arts Department Chair on campus. His groups consistently achieve high ratings and accolades at festivals, marching band competitions, and other competitive circuits.
Fernando also maintains an active private lesson studio from home, and his students range across all ages and levels.
Fernando has served on music staff as freelance musician, music instructor or worship leader for churches such as: Saddleback Church (Lake Forest, CA), Cottonwood Church (Los Alamitos, CA), House of the Lord Church (Ontario, CA), and Fullerton First Presbyterian Church of Fullerton (Fullerton, CA), and Centro Cristiano La Roca Church (Anaheim, CA), Progress Baptist church (Compton, CA), and St. Wilfrid's Episcopal church (Huntington Beach, CA), Garden Grove United Methodist Church (Garden Grove, CA), Temple Missionary Baptist Church(San Bernardino, CA), Iglesia Las Buenas Nuevas (Moreno Valley, CA), and Iglesia Rayo De Luz ( Santa Ana, CA)
Fernando leads his own multi-cultural praise band named "Doxologia", and released the album "Bienvenido Padre Eterno" on April 6, 2013. The album features all original music compositions by Fernando Penaloza, and original lyrics and lead vocals by Fernando's father. The album has been aired and featured on the radio. With his praise band, Fernando has toured extensively throughout southern and northern California. In October of 2014, Doxologia released their second album entitled "Tu Eres Rey", which again features all original lyrics and musical compositions by Fernando. The second album has a more contemporary vibe to it, and also features lyrics in both English and Spanish. Fernando and Doxologia are currently working on producing a third album.
Fernando is an active music producer and arranger, in through Soriano Recording Studios, in the City of Westminster, CA. Through this freelance work, Fernando has had the opportunity to produce arrangements and music tracks for a wide variety of artists, in a wide variety of musical styles and genres, and has become versatile in the music audio and production world.
Fernando has traveled to Portugal with the California State University Wind Ensemble, across the U.S.A., and has also traveled to Mexico to perform. Professionally, he has played in the orchestra pit of musicals, wind ensembles, orchestras, Jazz bands, and Latin Jazz bands.
Fernando received his A.A. in Music from Fullerton College. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education from California State University Fullerton, and a Teaching Credential also through the state of California. He has studied saxophone with Bruce Babad (Bill Holman Big Band), Ernie Del Fante, James Rotter (L.A. Philharmonic/Pacific Symphony); flute with Jean Ferrandis; and clarinet with Dr. Michelle Collette. He received a Master of Music in Wind Conducting, from Messiah University (Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania ). Fernando has studied conducting with Dr. Mitch Fennell, Dr. Gregory Whitmore, Dr. Shannon Kitelinger, Dr. James Colonna, and Kimo Furumoto. Fernando is a doctoral student in music education through William Carey University. In 2018, Fernando was awarded and recognized as one of Orange County's (California) Outstanding Arts Educators.
Fernando Peñaloza es maestro de musica, conductor, autor, musico, y productor/arreglista, en el area del sur de California.
Fernando es el director de musica en la escuala Savanna High School en Anaheim, CA donde enseña banda, jazz, y banda de marcha. Anteriormente, fuel el director de música en la escuela Buena Park Jr. High School en la ciudad de Buena Park, CA en donde enseñaba clases de banda, orquesta, coro, percusión, y apreciación de música.
Tambien a enseñado musica y tecnicas de banda de marcha en Savanna High School en la ciudad de Anaheim, CA; Mayfair High School en la ciudad de Lakewood, CA; y Fountain Valley High School en la ciudad de Fountain Valley, CA.; y La Puente High School en la ciudad de La Puente, CA.
Fernando mantiene un estudio activo de clases particulares de música, y tiene alumnos de todas edades y niveles.
Previamente, Fernando a enseñado música y tocado con varias iglesias en el sur de California, incluyendo: Director Asociado de musica de la Iglesia Metodista Unida de Garden Grove, CA; Iglesia Temple Missionary Baptist Church en la ciudad de San Bernardino, CA; Iglesia Las Buenas Nuevas en la ciudad de Moreno Valley, CA; Iglesia Rayo De Luz en la ciudad de Santa Ana, CA; y en la Iglesia COGOP en la ciudad de Santa Ana, CA.
Actualmente, toca y enseña musica con las siguientes iglesias: Cottonwood Church (Los Alamitos, CA), Saddleback Church (Lake Forest, CA), Fullerton First Presbyterian Church (Fullerton, CA), House of the Lord Church (Ontario, CA), y Iglesia Centro Cristiano La Roca (Anaheim, CA).
Fernando direje su propio grupo de musica Cristiana-Hispana, el cual es multi-etnico, llamado "Doxologia". En Abril del 2013, Doxologia lanzo su primer disco titulado "Bienvenido Padre Eterno", el cual ha sido tocado por la radio. El album, contiene musica originalmente compuesta por Fernando, y letra original escrita por el papa de Fernando. El grupo Doxologia a tocada extensivamente en varias iglesias y eventos Cristianos en todo el estado de California. En Octubre del 2014, Doxologia lanzo su segundo disco, titulado "Tu Eres Rey". Este disco contiene letra y composiciones musicales originales de Fernando. El disco tiene un sonido mas contemporeaneo y contiene letra tanto en Ingles, como en Español. Al momento, Doxologia esta en planes de producir su tercer disco.
Fernando continua como productor y arreglista musical en el estudio de grabación Soriano Recording, en la ciudad de Westminster, CA.
Fernando ha tenido la oportunidad de tambien tocar en grupos de jazz, en shows de teatro/musicales, orquestas, bandas de marcha, orquestas de viento, y con varios grupos de alabanza de diferentes iglesias. Tambien ha tenido el privilegio de tocar en paises como Mexico y Portugal.
Fernando recibio su Associate of Arts Degree in Music de Fullerton College en Fullerton, CA. También recibio su Bachelor of Arts en Educacion de Musica de la Universidad de Fullerton, California al igual que su licensia de maestro del estado de California. Estudio saxofón con Bruce Babad, Ernie Del Fante, James Rotter; flauta con Jean Ferrandis; y clarinete con Dr. Michelle Collette. También recibió su Maestria en Musica (Wind Conducting) de Messiah College en Pennsylvania. Sus maestros principales de conducting incluyen:
Dr. Gregory Whitmore, Dr. Shannon Kitelinger, James Colonna, y Kimo Fukumoto. En el 2018, Fernando fue reconocido como uno de los maestros mas Extraodinarios de las Artes, en el condado Orange, CA.